Ekspor Buah ke Amerika? These are The Most Fruits They Love


It based on an article written by Daniel Workman on July 2019 in World’s Top Export (WTEx). The list of fruits and amounts are as follow:

  1. Pisang, selain pisang raja (17% of US-imported fruits)
  2. Alpukat (16.1%)
  3. Anggur segar (11.5%)
  4. Cranberry dan Bilberry segar (8.2%)
  5. Raspberry, Blackberry, Mulberry, dan Loganberry segar (7.5%)
  6. Nanas (4.8%)
  7. Lemon, jeruk nipis (4.3%)
  8. Jambu, mangga (4.2%)
  9. Strawberry segar (4%)
  10. Melon (2.6%)
  11. Semangka (2.4%)
  12. Mandarin, termasuk tangerine (2%)
  13. Jeruk (1.6%)
  14. Pisang raja (1.5%)
  15. Apel (1.5%)

The data attached from Trade Map accessed on July 3, 2019. Most of the fruits are exported by Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Vietnam, Peru, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Canada, and Colombia. Even Indonesia is a big country and has many kinds of tropical fruits, but Indonesia is still lack of exporting fruits to the US. The highest products exported by the country are TPT and industry. But, the latest news stated that Indonesia has the opportunity for horticultural export to US and Japan.

Untuk mengetahui info ekspor lebih lanjut, silakan kunjungi http://www.goexport.org

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